Get our latest revised edition of the San Francisco Radio Club By-Laws, a set of rules put together to control and regulate the actions of our board and members.
Handy Welcome kit
A handy guide to everything we do at SFARC! Ideal for future, new or existing members. Download to learn about our history, activities, nets and events!
Join us & support the club in making a difference serving the city of San Francisco and the community. Tap into the benefits of membership and become a better ham.
SFRC Net Control Operator Script
Help us out on Monday nights by becoming a net operator. Download the latest script and practice during our nets at home! Can you copy all the callsigns you hear?
We purchase and maintain our repeaters and make them available to all licensed hams to enjoy the hobby and assist in emergencies. We do ask our users to adhere to some basic etiquette rules.
Yaesu System Fusion Info
In 2016 our club has decided to replace our legacy FM repeaters with modern FM/Digital ones. Get to know this amazing new technology by downloading the Digital Communications guide.