ARRL Field Day 2018 - June 23/24
The San Francisco Radio Club will be hosting the ARRL Field Day 2018 at the Golden Gate Park National Recreation Area (GGNRA), Fort Miley West, immediately west of the San Francisco V.A. Medical Center. This is the same location we hosted Field Day 2017. Setup begins at 8am on the 23th (Saturday) and we'll be on the air by 11am that morning. Continuous operation will conclude Sunday the 24th. Plans include lunch and dinner on Saturday and Breakfast on Sunday morning. All are welcome and encouraged to participate. Bring friends, relatives and neighbors. Everyone gets on the air! Be there-it's a fun time!
We will be operating a "Get On The Air", GOTA, station so unlicensed individuals are also welcome to join us and operate our radios!!! We thank the V.A. once more for their help in providing us with large operating tents as well generators for power.
We will be operating a "Get On The Air", GOTA, station so unlicensed individuals are also welcome to join us and operate our radios!!! We thank the V.A. once more for their help in providing us with large operating tents as well generators for power.
Photos and videos taken and donated by Martha Raup, Dave Billeci, Jason Perry and Antonis Papatsaras
Field Day Talk In Repeater
Frequency: 147.105MHz Offset: +600kHz DCS: 664 MODE: FM
Event Schedule:
Saturday 23rd
07:30 AM Arrive at site, divide into teams, movers, antenna setup, tent setup etc
08:00 AM Setup Begins [antennas, tents, misc]
10:00 AM All stations on the air for testing / All computers & network tested
Coffee Break
11:00 AM Field Day Starts
01:00 PM Lunch [provided]
Sunday 24th
08:00 AM Tear down crew assembles
Coffee Break
11:00 AM End of Field Day Event
Saturday 23rd
07:30 AM Arrive at site, divide into teams, movers, antenna setup, tent setup etc
08:00 AM Setup Begins [antennas, tents, misc]
10:00 AM All stations on the air for testing / All computers & network tested
Coffee Break
11:00 AM Field Day Starts
01:00 PM Lunch [provided]
Sunday 24th
08:00 AM Tear down crew assembles
Coffee Break
11:00 AM End of Field Day Event