Winter Field Day 2020 - January 25th - Fort Mason - Battery only!

The San Francisco Radio Club will be participating, second year in a row, in the Winter Field Day event taking place at Fort Mason on January 25th!
This will be a battery only operation event!
Setup begins at 9:00am, Saturday January 25th, and we'll be on the air by 11am that morning. Continuous operation will conclude around 6-7pm that night or when the batteries are out. Plans include breakfast and lunch provided by the club.
Bands: All Amateur bands, HF, VHF, & UHF except 12, 17, 30 and 60 meters.
Modes: Any mode that can faithfully transmit the exchange intact without a conversion table... CW, SSB, AM, FM, DStar, C4FM, DMR, Packet, PSK, SSTV, RTTY, Olivia, Satellite, etc... (note FT8 2.0 cannot)
Suggested Frequencies: (to make it easier for entrants to find each other)
HF CW – 1810-1820, 3.530-3.550, 7.030-7.050, 14.035-14.055, 21.030-21.050, 28.030- 28.040
HF SSB – lowest 30 kHz of the US General Class Phone bands (160m-15m), 28.400- 28.425MHz (10m), 6m/VHF/UHF – adjacent to, but not on, nationally recognized simplex calling channels.
This will be a battery only operation event!
Setup begins at 9:00am, Saturday January 25th, and we'll be on the air by 11am that morning. Continuous operation will conclude around 6-7pm that night or when the batteries are out. Plans include breakfast and lunch provided by the club.
Bands: All Amateur bands, HF, VHF, & UHF except 12, 17, 30 and 60 meters.
Modes: Any mode that can faithfully transmit the exchange intact without a conversion table... CW, SSB, AM, FM, DStar, C4FM, DMR, Packet, PSK, SSTV, RTTY, Olivia, Satellite, etc... (note FT8 2.0 cannot)
Suggested Frequencies: (to make it easier for entrants to find each other)
HF CW – 1810-1820, 3.530-3.550, 7.030-7.050, 14.035-14.055, 21.030-21.050, 28.030- 28.040
HF SSB – lowest 30 kHz of the US General Class Phone bands (160m-15m), 28.400- 28.425MHz (10m), 6m/VHF/UHF – adjacent to, but not on, nationally recognized simplex calling channels.
Event Schedule:
January 25th / Fort Mason
08:45 AM Arrive at site, divide into teams, antennas setup, station setup etc
09:00 AM Setup Begins [antennas, stations, etc]
10:30 AM All stations on the air for testing / All computers & network tested
Breakfast & Coffee Break
11:00 AM Field Day Starts
01:00 PM Lunch [provided]
06:00 PM Tear down Begins
January 25th / Fort Mason
08:45 AM Arrive at site, divide into teams, antennas setup, station setup etc
09:00 AM Setup Begins [antennas, stations, etc]
10:30 AM All stations on the air for testing / All computers & network tested
Breakfast & Coffee Break
11:00 AM Field Day Starts
01:00 PM Lunch [provided]
06:00 PM Tear down Begins
Winter Field Day Talk In Repeater
Frequency: 145.150MHz Offset: -600kHz DCS: 664 MODE: FM or C4FM
We need volunteers for setup & tear down
Directions / Map