map & directions
January 19th, 2018Rachel Kinoshita, KK6DAC
Batteries, results of measuring performance for ham radio February 16th, 2018Kenneth Finnegan, W6KWF
Building a Communications System from Scratch March 16th, 2018Tim Fairbairn, AF6TF
Operating Summits on the Air (SOTA) April 20th, 2018Paul Zander, AA6PZ
VHF/UHF Antennae |
May 18th, 2018Homebrew Night, AA6PP & W6AER & Members
Several 10 minute show & tell presentations by Antonis AA6PP & "Building a 10Mhz GPSDO" by Lucas W6AER June 15th, 2018Nick NF1P, Lucas W6AER, Antonis AA6PP
Preparing for Field Day 2018 July 20st, 2018Marcel Stieber, AI6MS
Topic to be finalized August 17th, 2018Bill Hillendahl, KH6GJV
ARRL Board Updates & Actions |
September 21st, 2018Clay Couger N5YJZ
International Health Service of Minnesota and the use of Amateur Radio October 19th, 2018Casey Villyard N6TZE
3D Printing November 16th, 2018Elections, Pizza & Drinks Social
Board of Directors election & Pizza night Robert Klahn, AD6I Contesting for beginners December 2018SFRC Holiday Party
Bye tickets here |